Back-Country Session

• 30 minutes $100

• 60 MINUTES $190

• 90 MINUTES $250

• 120 MINUTES $360

Spinal Centered Structural Integration utilizes myo-facial release strokes, segmental neuromuscular therapy, deep tissue & Applied Kinesology (muscle testing) techniques to create a distinctive detection of weakness & strength in the skeletal system & myo-facial musculature.

Thoracic Outlet Shoulder Release

• 30 minutes $100

• 60 MINUTES $190

• 90 MINUTES $250

• 120 MINUTES $360

Focuses mostly on the musculature attaching to the clavicle, neck, shoulder, attachment sites & ribs. Works with creating re-enervation as well as blood flow to the arm & hand, which involves invasive work into the sub scapula (accessed through the armpit.) Great for 'Tennis Elbow' or 'Carpal Tunnel' sufferers.

Thai Neuromuscular Hip Realignment

• 30 minutes $100

• 60 MINUTES $190

• 90 MINUTES $250

• 120 MINUTES $360

This 'side posture' session is for athletes as well as all of us, who suffer from hip or pelvic stiffness, pain & discomfort. This session is also helpful for sciatica pain. It uses interactive Thai stretching to improve range of motion & reactivates the mind-body connection to the interrupted enervation in the pelvic girdle. 



Knee Activation Therapy

• 30 minutes $70

• 60 MINUTES $130

• 90 MINUTES $200

• 120 MINUTES $250

Utilizes Somatic's interactive resistance stretches, thus reprogramming the structural muscles weakened by knee trauma. A sciatic nerve sweep is then integrated with Shiatsu as well as metatarsal foot massage. 

Segmental Integration Massage

• 30 minutes $100

• 60 MINUTES $190

• 90 MINUTES $250

• 120 MINUTES $360

Structural balance can be achieved in joints & deep muscles with segmental focus. Select a full session of various neuromuscular sports massage modalities, on your problematic area. I offer precision isolation massage techniques for treatment of a specific complaint of chronic pain. To insure that you have noticeable results of relief I will elementally curate your services.

Select the segment of your body, as the main objective. Enhance this with an EAST meets WEST experience which BLENDS in some trade secrets, if you wish? Integrating various modalities of massage, coupled with your treatment protocol for rehabilitation of specific injuries.

Consult your Physical Therapist, Chiropractor or Doctor who may give me guidance to specify what is positively or negatively affected by the current post-injury programs. We then can help you to heal in a gestalt approach, incorporating applied kinesiology, massage and more.



For reservations or information:

Call 970.485.4479 or send us an email.