Jin Shin Do

• 30 minutes $70

• 60 MINUTES $130

• 90 MINUTES $200

• 120 MINUTES $250

Based on a unique synthesis of Western psychology & Taoist philosophy, this series of acupressure treatments facilitates physical & emotional change, partly just by making it safe to feel. Feelings are how we experience ourselves. Getting in touch with the body & its feeling is a way to get in touch with the core self, which is both strong & wise. Undressing is not necessary. We recommend wearing thin comfortable natural fiber clothing.



• 30 minutes $65

• 60 MINUTES $110

This ancient therapeutic system uses acupressure points on the feet/hands/ear lobes (auricular therapy), which reflect the internal organs & skeletal structure. 


ZEN Shiatsu

• 30 minutes $70

• 60 MINUTES $130

• 90 MINUTES $200

• 120 MINUTES $250

Chinese therapeutic massage works on the same principles & uses the same anatomical points as acupuncture. Finger & thumb pressure along the tracks of the major acupuncture meridians, scans for blockages in Qi/Chi flow. These temporary & reversible blockages release with acupressure & are performed to reestablish or redirect the flow of Qi & re-create bodily harmony. Essentially acupuncture without needles. Can be administered through clothing. 



For reservations or information:

Call 970.485.4479 or send us an email.